Getting started

AWS simple pipeline package is implemented for deploying a Continuous Deployment or Delivery system (CD) by AWS CodePipeline service.

You can use this simple pipeline for deploying your personal solution in 2 environments: staging and production.

It is part of the educational repositories to learn how to write stardard code and common uses of the TDD, CI and CD.


You have to install the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) for deploying the AWS simple pipeline:

npm install -g aws-cdk # for installing AWS CDK
cdk --help # for printing its commands

And you need an AWS account, in this repository called your-account.


The package is not self-consistent. So you have to download the package by github and to install the requirements before to deploy on AWS:

git clone
cd aws-simple-pipeline/
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
cdk deploy

Or if you want to use this package into your code, you can install by python3-pip:

pip3 install aws_simple_pipeline
>>> import aws_simple_pipeline
>>> help(aws_simple_pipeline)

Read the documentation on readthedocs for

  • Usage

  • Development

Change Log

See for details.


This package is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.